Gideon Cove – Shorewood

Gideon Cove – Shorewood

Project Complete

Greetings and welcome to your project blog for the deck installation project at Gideon Cove in Shorewood. We are looking forward to working with and for you this summer!

Projected Finishing Schedule – Updated 5/21

Tuesday, 5/21: Onsite with Trent for a Project Update

Monday, June 24th: Good afternoon residents of Gideon Cove! 

We’re just about wrapped on your decking replacement project. We are waiting for the new gate materials and then we’ll complete the installation. There are also a few areas where we replaced some posts, etc that will need some touch up painting that we’ll complete in the next several days.

Your inspection will also occur within the next 10 days and we kindly ask that you keep the pink permit notices on your garage until the inspection is complete. Thank you!

Thursday, June 20th: Good morning! 

Thanks again for having us at Gideon Cove!

Wednesday, June 19th: Greetings residents of Gideon Cove!

We’re nearing the end of your project and we are so grateful for the opportunity to work with and for you this summer!

The view from the top is pretty mighty!

Oscar meaures and preps a section of material.

We’re on top of the world!

Monday, June 17th: Good afternoon!

The crew is about 75 % complete with the common area stairs. They’ve also started on the last decks as the material arrived onsite. We’ll post pictures soon as Trent is headed out your way to check on the crew and their progress- thanks!

Thursday, June 13th: Greetings!

The crew is continuing with the reconstruction of the common area stairs and will move to the remaining decks soon after- only two remain! 

Anibar tackles a section of the common area stairs.

Oscar drills a board section— the sun is shining, what could be better?!

Monday, June 10th: Good afternoon! 

We have a slight deviation to the finishing schedule. The materials needed for the remaining 2 decks are backordered from the supplier. Rather than have our crew sit while we wait for the materials, they’ve jumped ahead to completed the common area stairs. Once the materials arrive, we anticipate mid-end of this week, the crew will jump back in to complete the 2 remaining decks. Thanks!

Friday, June 7th: Hello and TGIF! 

The end is in sight! We have 4 decks yet to complete as well as the common area. The crew is pretty much sticking to the schedule with slight variability and we’re still projecting to finish up as close to June 22nd as we can!

Onsite with Trent

Monday, June 3rd: Good afternoon! 

We hope you all had a great weekend! Looks like the weather gods have blessed us with a full (or mostly) week of sunshine to keep knocking out your decks at Gideon Cove!

Brief progress update: the crew is finishing up the railing at 23770 today and will complete it tomorrow morning. Then they’ll move onto laying the decking at 23780, which is already demo’d. Thanks! 

We’ll post some more pictures tomorrow!

Thursday, May 30th: Good afternoon! 

The weekend is in sight and we’ve had beautiful weather the last two days— perfect for tackling your decking project!

The duo is finishing up on 23750 today and also demo’ing 23760.

Anibal preps the section of railing.

Installing one section at a time.

Getting the railing section sized and fit.

Tuesday, May 28th: Hello and good morning!

We hope you all had a meaningful Memorial Day Weekend! We spent time away from the office with family and friends and today we’re diving back in! 

The crew will be finishing up 23710 today and will then demo the 23760 deck as well. The 23750 deck has already been demo’d and we’ll begin reconstructing that deck next. Thanks!

Anibal is set to cut some boards.

Oscar takes a quick break to smile for the camera.

Tuesday, May 21st: Good morning residents of Gideon Cove!

We’ve updated the finishing schedule — this accounts for some of the added repairs we mentioned in the previous post, such as replacing posts and adding joists to be in compliance with code. Thanks for your understanding and we are thrilled with how the completed decks are looking!

One of the decks ‘Before’

The dark railings are really looking sharp!

Monday, May 20th: Good afternoon! 

We hope you all had a great weekend! As with any project, the crew is finding their rhythm and groove on replacing your decks and will only become more efficient as they complete more and more of your decks.

As we’re removing the old wood, we’ve come across some rotten areas – posts, joists, etc that will need replacing, which will add to our production timeline. We just wanted to communicate these details to the home owners. 

We’ll add some photos as we get them from the crew. Thanks!

Wednesday, May 15th: Good morning! 

By now, you’ve noticed our carpentry crew onsite! We are off and running at Gideon Cove and we are looking forward to installing your new decks. 

We are currently working on the 23720 Unit — we are anticipating about 2 working days to complete each deck. 

We’ve posted a schedule for your reference as to know when we’ll be at your deck. Please note that this is approximate as some decks may take longer as we need to install more joists on a handful of decks to comply with code. The weather will also factor into our schedule. We will do our best to update the schedule frequently as well as post project updates and photos throughout the duration of the project here on the blog.

In advance of the crew arriving to your deck, please remove all contents of your deck — thank you in advance for this!

A double-deck showing the ‘too large’ gap in joists.

That’s better… all up to code with the added joists.

Oscar and Anibal removing the deck boards.

Dana Clark

Project Manager
Ph: 763-559-5296


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