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Completed Projects
Updated on February 1, 2024 | Completed Projects

Marsh Park Condos, Bloomington


Greetings and welcome to your project blog! We are thrilled to be working with and for you as part of your renovation project!

Hallway Wallpaper Removal & Painting Schedule – Tentative

Phase 1: January 8th through January 19th 

9550 Building – 3rd Floor & 9550 Building – 1st Floor 

Phase 2: January 15th through January 23rd 

9550 Building – 2nd Floor 

Phase 2: January 16th through January 25th

9500 Building – 1st Floor

Phase 3: January 24th through February 2nd

9500 Building – 3rd Floor & 9500 Building – 2nd Floor

Wednesday, January 31st: Greetings! 

What a day ☀️☀️☀️

The crews have cleaned the final two hallway areas of the paper, plastic, etc. This has also been removed in the common area lobbies that connect each wing. 

We are looking forward to completing a walk through with our production managers and your board members tomorrow for any areas needing touch ups. 

Again we want to thank you all for your cooperation and patience while we made our way through your residence hallways to transform them to a lighter and brighter and more on trend space. We understand the impact we had on your day-to – day activities while completing your floor and we thank you for your graciousness. 

It has been a pleasure to work with and for you! 

Clean up & we’re outta here.
And just like that; hallways are complete!

Tuesday, January 30th: Good morning! 

We hope you all enjoyed the sunshine yesterday – what a treat!

The crew are continuing to roll out walls and paint alcoves. We are planning to be wrapping up the remaining 2 floors this week. We are also working on trouble shooting some wall imperfections and repairs on the sections closest to the windows. 

We are excited to be nearing the finish line! 

Rolling out the walls.
Up & down the hallways we go!
Cutting in at the alcove edges.
Achieving those crisp cut lines.

Thursday, January 25th: Greetings! 

We have moved into the final phase of the painting project. We have crews completing wallpaper removal and wall prep tasks in the 9500 Building on the 3rd and 2nd floors. Woo!! ????

We’ll be completing a walk-through on the recently completed (9550 – 2nd Floor and 9500 – 1st Floor )for areas the crew needs to touch or areas missed this afternoon. Progress is moving right along and we are so impressed with how impactful the changes are! 

The wallpaper is down and we are working on removing the glue.
Hermes removing glue in the 9500 Building.

Monday, January 22nd: Good morning! 

We are back after a brief pause to re-evaluate sheen options for the wall paint. The 9550 2nd floor and 9500 1st floors will resume today with wall painting. We will be going back to 9550 3rd and 1st floors to repaint the walls and will let you know when that will occur. We appreciate your patience and we’re looking forward to being back this week!

Update – the crews are repainting hallway walls in the 9550 Building – 3rd floor & 1st floor. 

Monday, January 15th: Good afternoon! 

We hope you all had a great weekend and stayed warm! 

We have the 3rd floor crew painting hallway walls today and cleaning up the paper, tape, etc in the hallway. They are tentative to move to the 9500 Building 1st floor tomorrow. 

The 2nd floor crew is working on wallpaper & glue removal along with wall prep tasks. They’ll be following the same sequence as the other completed floor – wallpaper & glue removal, wall prep tasks, ceilings, priming walls & alcoves, painting alcoves and finally painting hallway walls. 

We are just loving the major updates and color transformations!

Using a pump spraying to wet the walls and remove the glue.
Using hand tools and scrapers to remove wallpaper glue.

Friday, January 12th: Hello and TGIF! 

We are thrilled to be moving ahead of schedule. We will be continuing on the 3rd and 1st today and also starting on the 2nd floor on Monday 1/15. (9550 Building) We will get another update on Monday as for when the other crew will begin in the 9500 Building – 1st floor. 

Thank you all for your cooperation and mindfulness going through the hallways as we worked to transform you walls and ceiling. Looking forward to continuing more next week. 

Have a great weekend!

A look at a completed hallway.
3rd Floor is in progress and nearing completion.

Thursday, January 11th: Greetings!

The crews are continuing to prime walls and alcoves as well as apply top coats and complete wall repairs. The crew working on the 1st floor is planning to be wrapping up at the end of the day on Friday and the 3rd floor crew is planning to be finished early next week. 

While the crews are working in the hallways and using sprayers to finish the ceiling & alcoves, they will be putting plastic to cover your door way to protect the door and frame from any overspray. We want to be mindful of your coming and goings, so if you need assistance to get through the plastic, please get the attention of a crew member to help you through the plastic or if you can find the seam / end, please exit there without tearing the plastic, if possible. We understand it may rip and can put up another layer if needed. Thanks in advance for your cooperation!

Smoothing and sanding hallway walls.
Taping off the alcoves to paint the accents.
Completing wall repairs.

Tuesday, January 9th: Good afternoon! 

The crew is continuing to remove glue and complete wall prep tasks. In some areas, they are also priming walls and the resident alcoves. 

We are off to a great start and are making great progress! We do anticipate to be ahead of our 2 week schedule, but will send update when we know exactly how ahead we will be and when we anticipate to move to the 9550 – 2nd floor & 9500 1st floor.

From wallpaper removal to priming tasks.
Priming walls & alcoves.

Monday, January 8th: Good morning and happy Monday! 

We are off and running in the 9550 Building. We have two crews onsite – one crew on the 3rd floor and a 2nd crew on the 1st floor. 

Wallpaper removal, glue removal & wall prep are our first tasks. We’ll be covering floors, taping around doors, lights, hallway items, etc as well. 

Please be mindful while traversing through the hallways and lobbies – thank you! We are looking forward to seeing the progress and transformation of your hallways in the coming weeks! 

End of day update*** The crews have gotten all of the wallpaper off the walls and about 1/2 of each floor has the glue removed as well. Tomorrow we will continue will the remaining glue removal, wall prep tasks, and priming walls & alcoves. We anticipate to be painting ceilings on Thursday. 

Starting with wallpaper removal.
Crew Lead Hermes with a????????
And it keep coming off!

Thursday, January 4th: Good afternoon!

Welcome residents of Marsh Park to your project blog. This project blog will be used as a communication tool to relay pertinent project information regarding start dates, photos of progress, and updates to the finishing schedule.  We are excited to be a part of your hallway renovation project. We just love the transformation in the lobby and entry areas! 

The painting project encompasses removing wallpaper in the 9550 and 9500 Buildings on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd floors. Upon removing the paper, we’ll also remove the glue, complete wall repairs and prime the wall in preparation for the finish coat. After the paper and wall prep is complete, the crews will paint the ceilings, walls & resident alcoves. 

We will have two crews onsite to complete a floor each, at a time. The tentative finishing schedule is posted above. We are projecting ~ 2 weeks to complete each floor before moving onto the next set. 

While the project is underway, you can expect there to be paper and plastic covering in the working hallways, lobby areas and the entertainment building hallway with the restrooms. We will be creating dust from wall prep tasks so please be mindful of traversing through the hallways and into the lobbies as those lobby areas are newly renovated. We would also ask you to be mindful of wet paint when we get to the point of wall painting and alcove painting. 

We are projecting the project to take up to 6 weeks in its entirety, however we will be working on each floor for ~ 2 weeks. 

You can continue to check back here for progress updates, project photos, or leave a comment/question below. We ask that communication about the project go through the Production Manager or your Board and not the crews that we have onsite. Thank you!

Jason, our Production Manager will be onsite often checking on progress and answering any questions. Dana, the Project Manager will also be onsite weekly to check in and be available for updates. 

Jason Schell

Production Manager
Ph: 651-503-2477

Dana Clark

Project Manager
Ph: 763-559-5296