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Completed Projects
Updated on October 12, 2016 | Completed Projects

Town Course Cottages- Chaska

Project complete; walk through pending

Greetings and welcome to the official blog for the deck washing and staining project @ Town Course Cottages-Chaska. We are thrilled to be onsite with you!

Wednesday, September 21st: Hello residents at Town Course Cottages. Our crew has finished up the deck and sealant work and a walk through will be scheduled to make sure everything checks out and all work is completed above satisfactory. Thank you for having us onsite. It’s been a pleasure working with and for you!

Tuesday, September 13th: Good afternoon residents at Town Course Cottages. We hope you all enjoyed the beautiful weather we had over the weekend. Out crew has finished the 1st phase of caulk and joint filling. The carpenters will come back to put another coat of caulk to fill in the gaps.

This is the gap post Phase 1; crews will be back to fill again.

Friday, September 9th: So maybe we spoke too soon…looks like more rain today. With 3 out of 4 painting days being rain days, we haven’t accomplished a ton this week, but the good news is the weekend and next week’s forecast is looking great! 

We hope you have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 8th: Our crew is working to get joint repairs and caulking the patio gaps and some sealing completed throughout the property.

Wednesday, September 7th: Rain Delay

Tuesday, September 6th: Rain Delay

Thursday, September 1st: And just like that it’s September…here’s to fall football, pumpkin spice everything, back to school, and cooler temps! Just an update for patio gap caulking and sealing, those will take place on September 6th.

Monday, August 22nd:  Good morning residents of Town Course Cottages! We hope you all enjoyed the weekend. The cooler temps have passed and we’re back to running hot. Trent, the Project Manager and Diane, the Board President completed a walk through today and made a touch up list. The crew will be following the list and completing touch ups throughout the property tomorrow 8/23. Also, looking ahead we’ll be completing the patio caulking September 6th.

Friday, August 19th: Happy Friday Town Course Cottages! Work has pretty much wrapped up with staining and painting. We’ll continue to make some touch ups before we call the project fully complete, so don’t worry if you’ve noticed some areas that may need another look. Thanks again for all the cooperation and hospitality. We’ve enjoyed working with/for you!

Wednesday, August 17th: We are happier than a camel on hump day here @ Town Course Cottages! Here’s the latest: staining and painting to continue through the week and should be wrapped up by Friday afternoon.

Monday, August 15th: Good morning Town Course Cottages, we hope you all had a great weekend and got out to enjoy the beautiful weather!

Update- deck staining will be wrapping up today. The crew planned to do it on Saturday, but it was a little too moist from all the rain on Friday. Thanks so much for your cooperation. Stay tuned for further updates.

Friday, August 12th: Good morning residents of Town Course Cottages, we hope you had a great week! As you may have noticed, carpentry repairs have been in full swing this week and those should wrap up by days end today. We want to thank those of you who have reached out with feedback regarding construction debris. We have and will continue to take extra precautions to ensure the areas are as clean as possible. With that in mind, we do strongly recommend that until the project is completed, residents refrain from being in these areas. 

Pillar/skirt painting and deck staining will commence today and will continue through Saturday. After the work is completed Trent and Domingo will be performing a walk through to ensure everything looks good. 

Have a great weekend!

Steady hands to complete the carpentry repairs @ Town Course Cottages.

Prep is done and staining & painting will commence today and continue tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 3rd: Perhaps you’ve found your way to our blog by way of the blue notices taped to your garage door frames, Welcome! 

On Monday August 8th and Tuesday August 9th we will begin pressure washing the deck floors and entry stairs on your units in preparation for the upcoming staining project. We ask that homeowners please remove any belongings from your deck during the pressure washing dates. After the the decks have been pressure washed (this will take 2 days), the wood will need some time to dry. Once dry, the crew will be back to stain the decks, which we hope to start Wednesday August 10th- the decks will be stained in the same order they were pressure washed. 

Please continue to check back for project updates and changes, as our work is all weather permitting. Thank you so much for having us and we’re looking forward to getting things underway!

Roell Painting

Project Manager
Ph: 763-559-5296