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Completed Projects
Updated on November 8, 2017 | Completed Projects

Windward at Dancing Waters – Woodbury

Project Complete

Greetings and welcome to your official project blog for the painting project at Windward HOA in Woodbury. We are looking forward to working with and for you!

Site map @ Windward

Windward at Dancing Waters – Welcome Video

Drone Video – ‘Before’ 8/31 NOTE: 4 Buildings Desigated for Completion, not 7

Wednesday, October 18th: Good morning residents of Windward! We hope you are enjoying the fresh and rejuvinated paint on your exteriors! 

There are still some doors that need to be painted. We are requesting that homeowners contact Jesse to schedule a date/time. You should also be receiving a red notice indicating that your door needs to be painted today, as well. Jesse can be reached at: 612-363-4586. Thanks!

Friday, October 13th: TGIF and Happy Friday the 13th!

The border battle showdown is this Sunday at U.S. Bank Stadium. The Packers are in town to take on our Purple People Eaters. Skol Vikings!

The crew will be wrapping up today! They’re completing touch ups and finishing up the remaining areas. Thanks for having us onsite for the last month. It has been our pleasure working with and for you this fall and we hope you have a great rest of the year! 

Painting the trim on thre roof peaks.

Garage door frames get their fresh coat of paint.

Finishing up the trim on the last building.

Thursday, October 12th: It’s official, the Timberwolves agreed to a multi-year contract extension with Andrew Wiggins. We can’t wait to see what Wiggins will continue to do for the Timberwolves over the next few seasons. Preseason is underway and the regular season will commence on 10/18 in San Antonio against The Spurs. 

The crew is priming and painting on the last building and will be completed tomorrow. 

And then spraying the primer. 

“Woah, we’re halfway there,” to borrow a line from Mr. Bon Jovi.

Wednesday, October 11th: Good afternoon residents of Windward. 

The crew is continuing on the backside of the 4th Building and once that’s complete they’ll move onto the front side with priming and painting. The crew is hopeful to be done by the end of the week. They’re also completing some touch ups throughout, so if you see some blue tape on your buildings, please leave it as it designated an area for touch up. Thanks! 

Final Check in @ Windward.

Tuesday, October 10th: Though the Vikings game wasn’t anything to write home about, they did come out with a field goal to win the game. Moving on to the next task– Green Bay on Sunday at US Bank Stadium. Let’s hope for a productive week of practice!

The crew is holding steading on Building #4 with priming and painting top coat of sections of the building. 

Spraying on the siding color. 

All ladders on deck. 

Prep, prep, and more prep.

Monday, October 9th: Good morning residents of Windward. We hope you all had a great weekend! We’re gearing up to watch Monday Night Football as the Vikings take on the Bears in Chicago! Go Vikes!

The crew is continuing to prime and paint on Building #4. With this week of clear weather ahead, they are hopeful to finish up by Thursday. Pictures coming soon! 

Ladders up and the crew is rolling on the top coat. 

Rollin’ and more rollin’.

The crew is cruising on Building #4.

Friday, October 6th: TGIF!

Looks like there’s some rain in the forecast for this afternoon and then also tomorrow in the earlier part of the day. The crew is working to get as much completed before the rain rolls in this afternoon. They are continuing prep, priming, and painting on Buildng #4 as well as finishing up #3. Thanks and have a great weekend!

Thursday, October 5th: The MN Lynx have done it again! They’ve won the WNBA Championship and this is their 4th title win in the last 7 years. The parade and celebrations are being held outside of Williams Area on the UMN campus in Minneapolis at 6:30pm tonight. 

The crew is wrapping up on Building #3 as well as beginning their prep and priming on Building #4. 

Once the primer is applied, the crew sprays on the siding color.

Priming on the lower level. 

Painting the stair stringers.

Wednesday, October 4th: Hello and Happy Wednesday! 

If we may borrow a line from Johnny Nash’s hit song, “I can see clearly now the rain is gone.” Quite literally, the clouds have cleared and we have a sunshiney day!

The crew is back in full force and working to finish up Building #3. They’ll continue on #3 through today and a few hours tomorrow and then begin their prep, prime, and painting of Building #4. We anticipate the last Building should take about a week to complete. 

Rollin’ on the river…er Paint. Proud to be near completion at Windward!

Priming on the side of Building #3. 

Spraying garage door trim.

Tuesday, October 3rd: Good afternoon residents of Windward. We had hoped the surfaces would have time to dry out and we’d be onsite this afternoon, but we did get quite a bit of rain. With that said, it looks like we are in the clear for the rest of today and tomorrow with rain and the crew will be back onsite tomorrow. Thanks!

Monday, October 2nd: Good morning and Happy October! We hope you all had a great weekend. 

With all of the rain last night and today, the crew will not be onsite today. We are hopeful that the forecasted rain for tomorrow is brief and that the crew can potentially work in the afternoon. Stay tuned on the blog for specific details. Thanks!

Friday, September 29th: TGIF! Lots happening around the Twin Cities this weekend and a major road closure as well- 35W will be closed from Friday at 10pm to Monday at 5am from Crosstown 62 to Downtown. Check into alternate routes if you’re headed into downtown this weekend for the Twins, Gopher, Wild or Vikings games or to watch the Marathon on Sunday. Along with lots of sporting events there are plenty of Fall-themed activities- the Renaissance Fair, Sever’s Corn Maze, or Valley Scare to name a few. The Parade of Homes is also running this weekend as well. 

Painting continues on Building #3 and should wrap today or tomorrow and then they’ll begin on the last building next week. 

Painting the trim. 

Ladders up to spray the top coat. 

Spraying the primer. 

Thursday, September 28th: It’s a great day to be a Twins fan!! The MN Twins clinched the second wild-card spot last night when the Chicago White Sox beat the Los Angeles Angels. The players had quite an evening of celebrating in their club house complete with champagne showers and lots of smiles. The team will travel to play either the Yankees or the Red Sox on Tuesday! 

The crew is painting on Building #3 and hope to finish it up in the early part of next week. Pictures coming soon!

Wednesday, September 27th: Good afternoon! Clear and sunny skies and our painters couldn’t be happier for a full day’s work @ Windward.  

The crew is continuing to prep, prime, and paint sections of Building #3. The rain set us back a little bit, but we’ll be starting on the last building (#4) in the early part of next week. Thanks!

Removing the tape off of one section of the Building.

Prepping and caulking the seams.

Quite the balancing act to remove tape from the soffits.

Monday, September 25th: Good morning and Happy Monday! We hope you all enjoyed the hot and sunny weekend weather! With all the rain today, the crew will not be onsite and will return when the substrates have had ample time to dry out- we’ll keep you posted as to when this will be!

Friday, September 22nd: TGIF and Happy First Day of Fall, although with the 90 degree heat wave, Minnesota clearly did not get the memo. Regardless, we can all enjoy the warmer weather today and this weekend! ‘Tis the season of The Renaissance Festival, Sever’s Corn Maze and various apple orchards and pumpkin patches throughout the metro area if you’re searching for weekend activities.

The crew presses on at Building #2 and will wrap up this afternoon. They’ll then begin prepping of Building #3, with the priming and painting starting next week. They’re also pressure washing Building #4 today. Have a great weekend! 

Spraying prime on one of the remaining sections of Building #2. 

Finishing up trim on the upper peaks. 

Spraying one of the garage doors.

Thursday, September 21st: “Do you remember?” Anyone else feeling the Earth, Wind, and Fire hit song September on this fitting day?

Video Update – Thursday, 9/21

The crew is continuing on the 2nd Building (10741) and will finish tomorrow. They’ll then start some prep work on the 10751 Building tomorrow or Saturday with the major priming and painting starting next week. We want to thank you for your patience and grace as you’ve had your window’s covered for several days while we paint a full prime coat, top coat, and paint the trim. It’s the best way to prevent overspray, but it does lend a ‘caged bird’ feel. So we appreciate your understanding and cooperation!

The 2nd building is primed and now they’re working on sections of the top coat.

Applying primer and spraying the top coat.

Wednesday, September 20th: Hello and Happy Hump Day!

The crew is continuing with spraying siding and painting trim on Building #2. They’ll be pressure washing the last building on Friday, 9/22 and will then begin prep and painting on Wednesday, 9/27. For the pressure washing, if you are home, please allow the crew to utilize the water spigot in your garage. Also, please remove any small personal items from the exterior of your homes. Note- it is not necessary to clear the contents of your deck. Thanks!

The blue and cream colors have been sprayed and now they’ll paint the trim.

All hands on deck to paint the trim on Building #2.

Things are looking up!

Tuesday, September 19th: Good afternoon! We like the today’s forecast much better than all the rain yesterday. 

The crew at Windward is contiuing to spray and paint the trim on Building #2. They’re projecting they’ll finish the building on Thursday. 

The crew is spraying the red siding color.

The tan color is sprayed and now they’re painting the trim.

Spraying the blue siding color on 10741.

Monday, September 18th: Good morning residents of Windward. With all of the forecasted rain and cooler temps this morning, the crew will not be onsite today. The next few days look variable with potential rain in the mix. We’ll keep you posted on when the crew will return. Thanks! 

Friday, Septmebr 15th: TGIF! We’ve had a gorgeous week of sunny and clear weather and also a productive week of painting at Windward! 

Here’s a quick update of progress made: Building #1- complete except for 2 doors, Building #2 – Spraying top coats today and tomorrow and then they should be done on Tuesday/Wednesday. As a reminder, they’ll be onsite pressure washing Buildng #3 tomorrow. Thanks and have a great weekend!

Primer and then top coat is next.

The top coat on Building #2 is almost complete.

Priming and spraying on one section of Building #2.

Thursday, September 14th: It’s quite the heat wave Minnesota! Though we can’t really complain about the gorgeous weather while it’s still here and before Mother Nature throws fall and…winter at us.

Your crew at Windward is finishing up on Building #1 and beginning their prep and painting on Building #2. 

All hands of deck to tape off and prep Building #2.

Did we mention how important thorough prep is??

Covering windows and railings and taping off edges are all part of our prep steps.

Wednesday, September 13th: From one team to the next, the Gophers are gearing up for Saturday’s game vs. Middle Tennessee @ TCF Bank Stadium. Coach P.J. Fleck presented Goldy the Gopher with an early birthday present… check out the video to see the Gophers new helmets. We dig them! 

The crew is working to wrap up on Building #1 and will finish around lunch time tomorrow. They’ll then move onto prepping, priming, and painting Building #2. Note: We’ll be pressure washing Building #3 on Saturday, 9/16. If you are home, please allow the crew members to access the water spigot in your garage and remove all small belongings from the outside of your home. It is not necessary to completely clear the contents of your deck. 

Once the substrates have had time to dry, the crew will begin prepping and painting the exterior of your building. We anticipate this to begin on Thursday, 9/21. Thanks!

Painting the door frame. 

Primer is on and the crew is spraying the siding color.

Siding color- check. 

Finishing touches on the front elevation- reattaching the gutters.

Tuesday, September 12th: The Vikings got their first win last night, with a 29-19 victory over the New Orleans Saints. Next up, they’ll travel to Pittsburgh – bring it on!

The crew has primed the rear and sides of Building 1. They’ll begin painting those areas today and will continue tomorrow.

Primed and ready for paint @ Windward.

Team work to get the ladders up and in place.

Finshing up priming and then we’ll spray the top coat.

Monday, September 11th: We wanted to take a moment to reflect and remember the victims who lost their lives and also honor all of the heros from September 11th 2001. 

It’s an exciting day in MN sports as the Vikings kick off the regular season at U.S. Bank Stadium as they take on the New Orleans Saints at 6pm. The Vikings will honor Randy Moss as he’s inducted into the Viking’s Ring of Honor during the pre-game. Also, Adrian Peterson will make his appearance as a Saint’s RB and face off against his previous team. SKOL VIKINGS!

The crew at Windward is priming and painting the rest of the building today and hopes to wrap up on Wednesday. Then we’ll move onto Building #2.

Painting the soffits.

Prepping and priming the remainder of the building.

Friday, September 8th: TGIF! Though the weather has turned a bit cooler, we are not short on outdoor weekend activities. Here are some suggestions for getting out and about and soaking up the weekend weather: Greek Fest near Calhoun, James J. Hill Days in Wayzata, and the NE Food Truck Rally at Able Seedhouse and Brewery. We hope you all have a great weekend! 

The crew is painting on the 10739 Building and will finish the front and west sides today. They’ll continue to prime on the back elevation as well. 

Thorough prep yields a clean and crisp finish.

Prepping and priming on the back side of 10739.

The front of 10739 is complete.

Thursday, September 7th: Good afternoon! With the imminent threat of hurricane Irma to the U.S. and Florida, we are wishing the people of Florida quick and safe evacuations as well as safety to those already affected in Dominican Republic, Haiti, Turks and Caicos, Bahamas, and Cuba. 

The crew is working on Building 1 with painting on the front elevation, priming on the West side, and prepping on the South side.

Prepping and spraying on the front elevation. 

Priming and spraying in progress on Building 1.

Tape, prime, spray. Repeat.

Tuesday, September 5th: Hello and Happy Tuesday! We hope you all had a great, long holiday weekend! The weather looks like a cooler week, but also a dry week, which is perfect for painting!

We’ve rolled into September and the crew is off to a great start at Windward. They’re prepping on the 1st Building (10739) and will then begin painting. They’ll be completing the building in sections and will work from left to right.

Prep work: Covering windows and taping off edges.

Thorough prep yields a clean and uniform finish.

Thursday, August 31st: And just like that we’re closing out August and jumping into September.  We’re also diving right into your painting project at Windward in Woodbury. The crew is onsite today pressure washing the first building – 10739 Falling Water Lane. The crew will then be back onsite tomorrow to pressure washing the second building- 10741 Falling Water Lane.

The crew is sure to pressure wash every surface— even the tip top!

Ladders going up!

Tuesday, August 29th: Good afternoon and welcome to your project blog for the painting project at Windward in Woodbury. We are looking forward to being onsite with you!

We’ll begin your project on Thursday, 8/31 and continue on Friday, 9/1 with pressure washing of the 1st and 2nd buildings, shown in the map above. 

We ask that if you’re home during the pressure washing, to please allow our crew members access to your water spigot in your garage and please remove small personal belongings from the outside of your home/deck. Please not it is not necessary to completely clear the contents of your deck. 

Once the substrates have had time to dry, the crew will be back onsite to begin prepping and painting the exterior of the 1st and 2nd buildings.  We’re projecting this will begin on Tuesday, 9/5. 

Please continue to check the blog for progress updates, schedule updates, and any other pertinent information regarding your project. We’ll update when the 3rd and 4th buildings will be washed and then painted as the time nears. We anticipate to be onsite for about a month completing your project. 

Thanks so much and we’ll see you on Thursday!

Nick Roell

Project Manager
Ph: 763-559-5296