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Completed Projects
Updated on June 12, 2020 | Completed Projects

Bailey’s Arbor – Phase III, Woodbury

Project Complete

Greetings and welcome to your project blog for the upcoming Phase III painting project at Bailey’s Arbor in Woodbury! We are thrilled to be back onsite with you! 

Thursday, June 4th: Greetings! 

We are wrapping the project up today at Bailey’s Arbor – wanted to express our thanks and gratitude while we painted our way through your association. Have a great rest of the year!

Wednesday, June 3rd: Good afternoon! 

The finish line is in sight and we’ll be wrapping up today or after a few hours in the morning! It has been our pleasure to be onsite and sprucing up your homes. Thank you!

Painting the gable louvers.
Nearing the finish line.

Tuesday, June 2nd: Greetings! 

The finish line is in sight! We are starting at Building 24 today and will be wrapping everything up tomorrow. 

In the home stretch!

Monday, June 1st: Good morning! 

The crew is back onsite and they are beginning at Building 20 to paint the window accents. They are hopeful with continued good weather, they will be finishing up on Wednesday, 6/3. Thanks!

Looking upwards and getting the window accents painted.
Starting at Building 20 today.
The morning light — going to be a hot one today!

Friday, May 29th: Hello and happy Friday! 

The crew started up today at Building 16 – they are anticipating 3-5 more working days. Thanks!

Prepping the window accents.
Brightening up the accents.

Thursday, May 28th: Greetings! 

The rain has cleared and the surfaces are completely dry. We are back onsite and painting your window accents! The crew is working starting at Building 14 today. Since this week was shortened due to the holiday and rain, we are anticipating working into mid next week.

Painting the window accents.
Back at it at Bailey’s Arbor.

Wednesday, May 27th: Good morning! 

We’ll be pressing pause today with all of the overnight rain. We’re hopeful to return tomorrow. Thanks!

Tuesday, May 26th: Good afternoon! 

After last night’s rain, the crew had a mid day start at Bailey’s Arbor. It has since started to rain, so they’ve pulled off for the day. We will keep you updated on their return. Thanks!

Thursday, May 21st: Greetings! 

The crew is continuing with the add on areas today at Bailey’s Arbor – window keystones on select units and gable louvers. 

Painting the window keystones.
Put your hands up if you’re ready for Friday!
Prepping and taping the the window accent.

Wednesday, May 20th: Good afternoon! 

The crew has completed the initial scope of work and is completing some add on areas today — utility doors and then the decorative window accents. 

Painting your utility doors.
Painting the window accents.
All smiles at Bailey’s Arbor.

Tuesday, May 19th: Good morning! 

The crew is prepping and painting at #18-25 today and will then make their way around to paint a few add on items. It has been our pleasure sprucing up your trim areas. 

Painting the garage accents.
Another day and another door frame. Go team go!

Monday, May 18th: Greetings! 

We couldn’t be happier that the rain has stopped and just in time for us to get back to work at Bailey’s Arbor! 

The crew is working at Buildings #12 – #17 today. Thanks!

Painting the decorative garage accents.
Mondays are for painting door trim.
Prepped and painted – one of the garage accents.

Friday, May 15th: Good morning and TGIF! 

It’s a beautiful day! The crew is onsite and starting with their painting at Building #7 this morning. They are anticipating to work through Building #12 after being onsite tomorrow and then starting around #13 on Monday. They are projecting to be wrapped up before Memorial Day weekend. Thanks! 

Painting the garage trim.
Prep, tape, paint – repeat.
Representing the Bulls! Anyone watching ‘The Last Dance?’

Thursday, May 14th: Good afternoon! 

The crew is back onsite this afternoon after allowing the substrates to dry out this morning. They are continuing on your door frames, headers and keystones starting at Building #6 today – thanks! 

Cruising along the route and painting frames.
Sprucing up the door frames.
Taping off the entry door frames.

Wednesday, May 13th: Good Morning! 

The crew was onsite briefly this morning to prep and paint, however Mother Nature had other plans. Due to the rain the crew had to pause their work for the day. They will return tomorrow. Thanks!

Getting some prep work done before the rain altered our plans.
Ever preps and caulks the garage accent.

Tuesday, May 12th: Greetings!

And they’re off!

The crew is onsite and ready to rock. They’re starting at Building #1 and will follow along the route prepping and painting your front door trim and decorative garage accents. Currently, they’re working on Buildings #1-#3. Thanks!

Painting the garage accents.
Taping off your front door trim.
Prepping and caulking the decorative trim.

Monday, May 11th: Good morning! 

Welcome to your project blog for this year’s Phase III painting at Bailey’s Arbor in Woodbury. 

For this phase of the project, we’ll be finishing your: front door frames, service utility doors/frames, and decorative garage headers/keystones on the 70 front-to-back style units. In total, we are anticipating to be onsite for about 2 weeks to complete your project. 

We will soon post a map with the buildings labeled to designate a route the crew will be following to complete the painting. You can continue to follow the project progress here on the blog as we’ll provide frequent updates with progress made, project photos, and any delays should they come up. 

We are looking forward to being back onsite and sprucing up your buildings. Thanks and we’ll see you tomorrow! 


Dana Clark

Project Manager
Ph: 763-559-5296


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