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Completed Projects
Updated on September 18, 2018 | Completed Projects

Orchard Pointe – Apple Valley

Project Complete

Greetings and welcome to your project blog for the staining project at Orchard Pointe in Apple Valley. We are looking forward to working with and for you this summer!

North side of Orchard Pointe – Finishing Route Map- Updated 7/19

South side of Orchard Pointe – Finishing Route Map – Updated 7/26

Wednesday, August 15th: Good afternoon! 

The crew continues with sanding and staining your deck hand rails. We anticipate a few more days to make their way through all of the decks. Thanks!

Such concentration to sand your deck hand rail.

Sand, stain, repeat.

Tuesday, August 14th: Hello! 

The crew has wrapped up the deck staining, albeit a fwe decks that are a different color stain. We are working with the crew to finalize when those decks will be completed. Thanks!

Update- we are making our way through all of the decks to sand the top handrail and reaply the stain. We’ve started back at Building #1 of the North section and will follow the route and then move into the South section. There is no need to move any of your furniture. Thanks!

Sanding the top hand rail.

Monday, August 13th: Hello and good afternoon! 

The crew has about 5 buildings remaining to complete staining on the selected decks. They anticipate the be done today or tomorrow. It has been a long road, but the crew has persisted through several rain delays to get to the end! Thanks again for your patience!

Friday, August 10th: Hello and TGIF! 

The crew is starting today on Building #12.

Crossing a few more of your decks off the list!

2 by 2 we’re completing your deck staining.

Thursday, August 9th: Good morning!

The crew is starting on Building 14 this morning and will complete the North section today. They’ll then start on the South section with Building 1 and move through the route, similarly to the North section. We will continue to update the blog each day with progress made. The South section should move a little quicker since there are fewer decks being completed. Thanks!

Reminder: Please remove items from our deck to allow our crew unobstructed access to stain your deck. Thank you!

Ever brushes the stain onto the deck post.

Two by two our crew is taking care of your decks.

Wednesday, August 8th: Good afternoon! 

The crew started their morning on Building #11 and will continue to make their way along the route and stain your decks, railings, skirts, and posts.

Sweeping and prepping one of the decks before staining.

All hands on deck.

One of the completed decks @ Orchard Pointe.

Monday, August 6th: Good morning residents of Orchard Pointe. We hope you all had a great weekend. Can you believe there are just over 2 weeks until the MN State Fair?! We’ve been browsing the ‘new foods’ and can’t wait to try the Swedish Meatball Smörgås from the Blue Barn – bringing it back to our MN roots and going straight to our hearts.

The crew is resuming their staining in the North section of the property. They are starting on Building #8 this morning and we will update their progress made later this afternoon.

All hands on deck!

Keeping it going here in Apple Valley.

Friday, August 3rd: Rain, rain go away!

The crew wil resume on the 8th Building once the weather permits. 

Thanks and have a great weekend!

Thursday, August 2nd: Brief update – the crew started this morning on Building #6. We’ll post their progress for the day in a little bit.

Wednesday, August 1st: We can hardly believe it’s already August! Where has the summer gone?!

With the morning rain, the crew has halted their staining, but is continuing to pressure wash in the South section. They are on Building #18. Thanks!

A new month and another deck to wash.

A new month and another deck to wash.

Tuesday, July 31st: And just like that we are on our last day in July and August is right around the corner! 

The crew is starting today on the 5th Building in the North section for staining. They’re also resuming their pressure washing in the South section on Building 10. Pictures coming soon!

Another day and another deck to stain!

Pressure washing continues in the South section.

Monday, July 30th: Hello and good morning. We hope you all had a great weekend! 

The crew is resuming their staining on Building #3 (15263). We’re hoping with a stretch a clear weather this week that they’ll cruise through a lot of the buildings. They’ve also started to pressure washing the decks in the South section of the association today. 

Reminder: For pressure washing, we kindly ask that you remove all items from your deck to allow the crew unobstructed access while washing. Once we’ve pressure washed, you may put items back onto your deck and then note progress of the crew (posted here on the blog) and once we are near your building, remove the furniture for a 2nd time to allow us to stain your deck. Thanks!

Friday, July 27th: Good morning and TGIF! 

We want to thank you all for your patience as we can’t control the weather and how it impacts your schedule and project completion. The crew is resuming on Building #2 and with move to #3 and hopefully #4 today.

As a reminder, the crew will begin pressure washing in the South section on Monday, 7/30. Thanks and have a great weekend!

Thursday, July 26th: Good morning! 

With rain out of sight, the crew is resuming their staining on the 2nd building. And they are planning to get through the 3rd building as well. Thanks! 

We’ll be posting notices in the South side of the association today. The blue notice will indicate that we’ll be pressure washing designated decks on Monday, July 30th. Please remove items from your deck for the pressure washing. You may then put your items back onto your deck as we are projecting to start the staining in your section on Monday, August 6th. We’ve posted a route map that will designate building numbers so we can refer to them for project progress updates. Thanks!

Tuesday, July 24th: Progress Update: The crew has completed the staining on Building 1, aside from 15254 which will be completed later because it is a different material. So it seems they’ll be getting to one building each day, for planning purposes to keep items clear of your deck. Thanks!

Good afternoon!

The crew has finished pressure washing the remaining several decks on Building 13 and 14 today. They’ve also started to stain the decks and railings, starting at Building 1. We’ll post the crew’s progress later this afternoon. Also to note, once your deck is stained we recommend at least 24 hours before returning items to your deck. Thanks!

The crew meticulously applies the stain to your deck floors.

One step, er board at a time. 

Drop cloths are covering the ground as we stain your deck railings.

Monday, July 23rd: The crew is currently pressure washing on Building 13 (4:45pm) – they’ll get about half way through the decks and then tomorrow they will finish on Building 13 and all of Building 14. They will also begin staining – starting at the beginning of the route at Building 1. Thanks!

Hello and happy Monday! We hope you all had a great weekend!

The crew is making their way along the route and is starting their washing on Building 11 this morning. They are planning to get through the remainder of the decks/buildings today as well. Thanks!

2 by 2 to get the decks pressure washed.

Spraying on the cleaning solution.

Friday, July 20th: Good morning! 

The crew is back at it and working on the 5th buildingt this morning and they hope to get to the 7th Building. We’ll update progress near the end of the day. Thanks! 

Update: The crew has finished through Building 8 and will start with #9 tomorrow (6:30pm). Thanks!

Thursday, July 19th: Update: the crew has completed 4 Buildings and is currently washing on the 5th Building (5:00pm). Thanks!

Good morning! 

First of all, we’d like to apologize for some miscommunication in the number of decks that were pressure washed yesterday. The crew has washed Buildings 1 & 2 – refer to the map above and also the units 15236 & 15238 (on Building 8). They’ll be starting with Building 3 today and continue along the route, given there is no lightning. We hope that going forward, refering to the building numbers will eliminate any confusion around project progress and updates. Thanks for your understanding!

Another day and another deck.

Pressure washing the railings, skirts, and deck boards.

Wednesday, July 18th: Hello! The crew is off and running and has started pressure washing the decks in preparation of staining. We’ll be updating the blog as to how many buildings the crew gets through pressure washing so you can know when to expect us. Thanks! 

The crew has completed washing through the 15215/15217/15219/15221/15223/15225. They’ll begin on the next grouping of units tomorrow. Reminder to please remove the contents of your deck for the pressure washing to allow the crew unobstructed access to your deck areas.

Taking care of the pressure washing, one deck at a time.

Taking care of the pressure washing, one deck at a time.

Monday, July 16th: Good morning! Welcome to your project blog for the staining project at Orchard Pointe. 

We’ll be getting things underway on Wednesday, July 18th with pressure washing of the deck floors. The crew will make their way through the association on the North side of the association along Florist  Circle- starting on the East side and looping around, please refer to the map above highlighting the route. We’re anticipating the crew will take a few weeks to make their way through all of the decks. We’ll then start the same process for those decks on the South side of the association – along 154th Street and Flower Way.

For pressure washing, we kindly ask that you please remove all personal belongings and furniture from your deck. Once completed, you may return furniture onto your deck, as the boards will need a few days to dry completely. We’ll then begin the staining, which will require the deck surfaces to be cleared completely and we anticipate to begin the prepping and staining of select buildings on Friday, July 20th.

As for carpentry repairs, our crew can take care of them, but they are homeowner responsibility and not covered through your association. If you’d like us to complete repairs, please contact our office and speak to Trent, our carpentry supervisor. Thanks! 763-559-5296. 

The finished route is posted above, this will dictate the order in which we are washing and then staining the decks. You can stay apprised of project progress, updates, anticipated scheduling, and any weather delays here on the blog. 

Thanks and we’re looking forward to getting underway on Wednesday!

Nick Roell

Project Manager
Ph: 763-559-5296